02/12/2025 10:32:32 PM

Knowledge Center Articles

How to Buy Gold and Silver

Buying gold and silver is pretty straightforward. However, if you’ve never done it before, it may seem daunting. If you’re feeling a bit nervous, this guide is for you. The guide below will take you through all the steps of acquiring your favorite precious metal. It’s not that hard, and we’ll get through it together….

Factors Influencing Gold and Silver Prices

Gold and silver prices are always in flux. They can move in meaningful ways in a matter of minutes. However, as a smart precious metals investor, you must understand why those movements are taking place. So, the guide below talks about all the factors that can influence the price of gold or silver. The Underlying…

Spot Price vs. Retail Price

One potential source of confusion for new precious metals investors is a seemingly simple one: price. The price of gold and silver is not just one number, and it can be hard to know which one is the “right” one. Furthermore, you’ll encounter an entirely new set of prices when you go to make a…

Introduction to Precious Metals Investing

Welcome to Buy Gold and Silver Coins!  As our name implies, we want to help you to buy gold and silver coins. However, investing in precious metals goes far beyond getting gold and silver coins in your pocket. It can be a profitable hobby, side hustle, or new passion for those who take the plunge….